Federação do Comércio de Bens, Serviços e Turismo do Estado de Goiás


FECOMEX: Fecomércio GO´s International Office

Fecomex is the international office of Fecomércio-GO, and serves as a dynamic platform for facilitating and promoting imports and exports. Its primary objective is to establish robust connections between local businesses, diplomatic and consular representations, and chambers of commerce throughout Brazil. Fecomex actively engages in a wide range of activities, including participating in trade events, managing collaborative initiatives, and organizing outbound trade missions. By fostering these connections, Fecomex aims to stimulate foreign trade, foster educational opportunities, and promote cultural exchange on a global scale.

Director: Marcelo Gomes

Phone: +55 62 3227-2451

E-mail: internacional@fecomerciogo.org.br

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