Federação do Comércio de Bens, Serviços e Turismo do Estado de Goiás

International Partnerships


The Central Israel-Brazil Cooperation Chamber of Commerce (CCOPIB) is headquartered at Fecomércio Goiás, and is an organization dedicated to enhancing cooperation and strengthening relations between Israel and the central region of Brazil. Its primary focus is to foster partnerships in the realms of commerce, technology, science, and culture between these two countries.

Acting as a bridge between Israeli and central Brazilian businesses, institutions, and governments, CCOPIB serves as a platform for dialogue, collaboration, and the identification of mutual opportunities. The chamber organizes a variety of events, including business missions, seminars, and workshops, designed to facilitate knowledge exchange, encourage experiential learning, and establish long-lasting connections between the participating entities. Moreover, it provides valuable support to companies seeking to expand their presence in the Israeli and central Brazilian markets. This assistance includes guidance on key sectors, trade regulations, fiscal incentives, and investment prospects.


 Argentina-Goiás Bilateral Chamber of Commerce also is headquartered at Fecomércio Goiás, and is an institution that promotes and strengthens trade relations between Argentina and the state of Goiás in Brazil. Its main objective is to foster commercial exchange, partnerships, and investments between the two regions.

Through events, seminars, business matchmaking, and networking activities, the Argentina-Goiás Bilateral Chamber of Commerce seeks to stimulate bilateral trade, facilitate information exchange, and promote closer ties between Argentinean and Goiás businesses, institutions, and governments. Additionally, the chamber supports and assists companies interested in expanding their operations, including information on markets, trade regulations, and investment opportunities.

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